Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to school change

   As I was driving O to school today the topic of discussion on the radio was "What changes in your life at back to school time?"  So people were calling in discussing how even though they themselves were not going back to school some how they are doing something new or looking at something differently.  This got me thinking.  Since I am a school teacher back to school time always brings on a new year and new group of kids and a new outlook on what is to come.  But if you have been following me you know that this is the first year that I am not going back to school, I am staying home with the boys.  This is a big change for me, but I am looking forward to it. 
     With that being said I decided to look past that and think about if I am doing anything differently because it is the "fall" and school is starting. I would have to say yes I am.  I feel like I have had my summer vacation and now it is down to business.  I am working on getting my house, family and self organized.  I have got piles of things to go to donate and piles for the Wee Sale that is coming to town next week. I have got to get a routine going to make sure the shopping is done so we always have food in the house.  I would like to try and get a routine down so that Little B can get at least one nap a day in his bed.
   If is funny how as fall is approaching things are changing and even though I am not headed back to the classroom I still feel the need for change and the challenge of doing something new.  I look foward to my new year and what it brings to me. 

The little boys that are the light of my life:
My question to you is does the start of a new school year change you?

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