Thursday, February 10, 2011

Preschool here we come

     O has been in daycare since he was about 6 months old.  That first year I was lucky to only work part time so I did get to spend a lot of time with him.  Now we like the daycare that he is in and when he was moved to the preK room we made the decision to keep him inrolled there even though I was taking the year off with the birth of Little B. Since we are going year by year and my postion in the school system is held for two years we have decided that I would stay home for another year.  With this decision made, that means that when/if I go back to work O would be in kindergarden and not need his spot in the daycare.  So the hunt began to look for a preschool in our area for O to go to.  I was a little overwhelmed.  I did find three right in our area infact they were less than 5 minutes from our house.  Now being a teacher I had high hopes and knew what I was looking for in a school.  I found the one that I really wanted O to attend, now it was just a matter of getting him in.  I felt like we were trying to get him into college.
  Well we found out today that he is accepted!  Now I really wanted him in the morning class, but beggers can't be choosers, he is in the afternoon class.  I am excited for him and I think this is going to be good.  The fact that I was trying to get him into a four year old program as a new student was half the battle.  I think this will get him ready for kindergarden.
   Now I will have to say that when it is time to leave his current classroom I will be sad to move on.  I love his teachers now and requested that he was in their class.  With that being said where he is now they keep the 3 year olds and the 4 year olds together and I don't think that is great for O.  It has worked for him as a 3 year old but spending another year in the classroom learning the samethings over again is not going to get him where he needs to be for school.  So we will be moving on. 
  So my baby will be going to school for the first time!  He will be learning to read and do math.  I can't believe that he is big enough to go to school.  Where does the time go?


  1. Remember when our kids fit in a laundry basket?

    I got in the habit of leaving Owen in his underwear while we were potty training and we just never stopped letting him run around like that.

  2. I got those boots at Arundel Mills in Rack Room Shoes. All their boots were on sale and they had other 11s.
