Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It has been a while

     Well I am back. I have been taking a very long break from blogging. I just hit a spot in my life where things were not going right at least with me. The family is fine I just got into a slump and could not figure myself out. I am not sure that I am completely through it but I am on my way. I am ready to start writing again. I have decided though that I am going to start slowly and take my time. I think I was spending way to much time on this computer and lost myself. I was not getting things done that I wanted to get done and that needed to get done. So I am going to get back into because I like it and I want to keep writing and reading. I feel that I have gotten to know some people through their blogs and I want to catch up, if I can.
     With all that being said, my first post is going to share a great clip I found.  The holiday season is upon us and I love holiday songs.  Being in the band as a child and through college I always loved to preform and to attend good performances.  I just find this performance cool.  I wish I was there.  I can not sing but I would have loved to be in this food court when they did this.  Maybe one day it will happen at a mall by me when I am there!  Who knows.  Take a few minutes to check it out.


  I wish eveyone a happy and safe holiday.  I look foward to catching up with everyone and to getting back into this world of blogging.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to find that balance between blogging and still having a life off the computer. Welcome back!
